POST-iT with love

We fell heads over heels with their expressions for each other.

YouTube You n Me!

Now you can see YouTube everywhere! YouTube your bathroom mirror & shout, "Dave, can you believe it. I'm naked on YouTube!" ^ ^

YouTube going decal crazy, Us like YouTube!

Did you know?

That if you had printed the internet...

: [
: o



x ___ X
(fun source- taken from Gadget Geek, Creative Cloud.)

Selamat Hari Raya 2009

Somethin' Urby wishes all Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Holidays!

Michael Jackson Tribute

Can you sing & dance like the King?

1 hotel, 61 rooms, 21 artists and 1,000 ideas

What is it all about?

1 hotel, 61 rooms, 21 artists and 1,000 ideas

Hotel fox, Copenhagen, Denmark -the world's most exciting and creative lifestyle hotel where 21 international artists from the field of graphic design, urban art and illustration came together and poured their 1,000 brilliant ideas into 61rooms of 1 single hotel.

I, especially like the theme Sleep Season, wall art by Rinzen from Australia

“The Sleep Season room was inspired by the desire to hibernate (really!). It creates a cosy nook filled with animals sleeping through the seasons of the year. As the year passes, the animals sleep, blissfully unaware of their surroundings. A family of bears huddle around a winter tree, while a gorilla dreams in the freshness of spring. Out to sea, gigantic whales bask on summer waves and the autumn winds play havoc with hedgehogs and owls.”

...and theme Llama boy, wall art by illustrator Speto from Brazil.

"Naturally unpretentious. The Brazilian fashion designer Baixo Ribeiro helped Speto with the soft furnishings for his room, but did all the wall-spraying and drawing himself. Although he calls himself a “big child” and says his art is “naïve and innocent”, there is an acute sense of history, politics and the art of survival in his work: “I wanted a green room because I think it is a relaxing colour. Folk art will always hold a special attraction for people because it is innocent and unpretentious so we can focus better on the story.” "

Overall, I like the idea and design of the wall creations. Imagine, sleeping in the work of art.

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